Production Blog: Here's Where It Gets Complicated...

Hey, Sappies, it's Char. I hope you've gotten some rest, this is going to be a long one. Buckle up. This is just a heads up, warning in advance, caution sign. (Im exaggerating.) Okay, you ready? Let's go. This is the last editing blog I will be doing. officially. Forever. So this is rather emotional for me. I actually love the satisfaction after editing and being super proud of and content with your piece. But anyway, let's get into the actual important part if this. For this piece I got to do some voice over and sound editing. Of course, since i edited the last audio for our music video, this wasn't too hard. But as for the voice overing...that's a different story. I sort of felt awkward doing it and finding the right tone of voice and attitude for my character, Katrina. I also have only really played with "voice over" when trying to get a crisp sound or layer for clips. Such as shutting a door or a toaster popping, etc. So since this was different, ...