Production Blog: Creds to Abaco

Hey, Sappies. Welcome back. I hope you've been well since the last blog. I bet you're still tired of me nagging you. But here I am. Back at it again! Who do you know better than me to keep you updated day after day after I randomly disappear for a few weeks? I bet your answer's "no one". Do not worry though, alas I am here.

Sappies, do you remember my dog scenes blog? Well, here's part two! We got to re-filming the scenes, and this time around they look much much better. Abaco definitely got more comfortable with Sabrina this time, so when we filmed the scenes inside it was really natural. Of course that's the look we want since in this case, Abaco is supposed to be Jax who is very comfortable with Madeline since Madeline is Jax's owner. We walked to the park again and re-filmed some scenes on the sidewalk. We did some scenes at the park of Abaco running and brought a tripod on wheels in order to mimmic the work of a steady cam. We also got to film a scene with a family, thankfully this nice family was excited to help and gave consent to being recorded! With that we were officially done re-filming and filming an extra needed scene. 

Before I finish the blog, I'd like to give a moment of appreciation for Abaco, as this is her first role and she did an incredible job playing a male dog named Jax.  Kudos to her!

Okay, that's all for today Sappies. See you soon!



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