Production Blog: It's Done!

Hey, Sappies, it's me. Here to let you know that it is done. We are finally finished with filming! It's taken a long time to get here, but we're super proud of our work, we've done a lot to get to this point and we hope that it is up to your guys' expectations. (Hopefully surpasses them.) 

The last of our filming was done at the Bulegreen Yard Cafe. We last finished off with filming Madeline driving away on her way to work at Valentina's house. Today, we filmed Madeline's second car scene outside of the cafe. Then we filmed some scenes of her walking in, wiping tables, and of course handing me my coffee. We did run into some issues though, as we weren't allowed behind the counter due to health risks and violations. Still, in order to look the part, Sabrina wore an apron with a name tag and was able to at least look and act the part according to the manager. It was actually super fun to film the scenes and the coffee was super good. Sabrina is super unserious and funny so trying to film the scenes was a difficult task to say the least. We both kept laughing or forgetting our lines and then when we finally got it together, the final scene that -although is voiced over for the audience, is dead silent for us- was super awkward and funny. We had so many takes and bloopers that we could probably make a whole other final project with them.

That's finally the end of filming Sappies. I hope you've enjoyed this quite eventful process. We'll see you soon to get to the editing portion of it all. We're almost done with the whole thing and can't wait for you all to see the finished product! Till next time.




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