Production Blog: We Got to Being Productive

Hey, Sappies. Welcome back. You've been gone a while, haven't you? Well, it's about time you catch up. My group and I have done a lot since you've been gone. We've gotten done the first part of our opening scene. If you've read the script, you know that the opening scene starts off with Madeline going through her morning routine as Katrina voice overs. The voice over is more editing, so we won't get into that today, but we did get 1/3 of everything done. Im saying too much -you must be confused. 

So, we've picked actresses for the characters, lets get that out of the way. Sabrina will be playing Madeline and I will be playing Katrina. Valentina is in charge of filming and figuring out which angles might look best for the scene. 

Before we started filming of course, since it was pretty early, we went to get some breakfast. Valentina picked me and Sabrina up and then we went to Einstein Bagels. I didn't really like the bagel I got but the orange juice was pretty yummy. 

Okay, now onto the actual creative process. We started filming at Valentina's house, which will be Madeline's house in Here for You. We stuck mostly to the beginning of the opening sequence, and filmed Madeline's morning routine. We made sure to let Sabrina know to bring some pajamas in order to really help the effect come to life. Since we were only filming Madeline's scenes that day, we got some scenes in the bedroom, bathroom, and in the kitchen. We got to do a cool bird's eye view as Madeline got up and it was fun to film. We also, in order to capture the stalker-like perspective, filmed a scene of the blinds shutting with Katrina's head peeking out from the bushes and another scene filmed from outside the window of the bedroom. If the audience is paying close attention, they might be able to decipher the fact that there is some stalker presence going on. We got a scene of Madeline having breakfast in the kitchen and then some scenes with her and Jax, her dog. 

That's all for this blog, Sappies. I hope it wasn't too much to take in, but now you're caught up (for the most part). Till next time.




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