Title Designs
What's new, Sappies?
So as you've seen, my group and I have gotten a lot of work done. We've finished the script- which took longer than I'd like to admit- and the storyboard which makes our ideas into illustrations. With this all in mind, we've chosen a font that will embody the vibe we want our film to give. Now, our film is of course a thriller and action kind of vibe, with some comedic relief, but there's not necessarily a font that can capture that. So in this case, we've tried our best to pick a font that is sharp so that we can get some of the action incorporated. We've also chosen to pick red for our film name and all of the tiles that are not names. Our names will be in white. We've done this to maintain a flow but differentiate from titles and people- which we deem to be very important aspects in film. Crew and cast are what make this all possible and therefore deserve a contrast for recognition. This also plays a part in the reason as to why we're deciding to make the names a little bigger than their titles. This of course is a work in process and subject to change. For now, we just want to get some things out of the way. What do you guys think of our decision, Sappies? Agree or disagree? Let me know in the comments and I'll take it into consideration. Don't forget, I'm a future famous director so make sure to get your "I knew her before she was famous!" tickets in before it's too late! Just kidding. Sort of. Actually, not really...
Anyway I'll see you in the next blog, Sappies.
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