Pitch Time!!

Pitch 1: A mafia boss goes undercover as an ally to avenge the death of her brother.

This pitch spoke to my group as we found it to be a serious topic that seemed interesting enough to stay engaged throughout the filming process. In the past, some of our group mates have worked in projects where this has been an issue. At times where the topic at hand is "silly" some cast members find it difficult to focus entirely and stay on task. This can be due to their immaturity and lack of experience with acting. We found this prompt intriguing, creative, and unlike anything either of us have produced before in our other media courses. This made it appealing for us all, and the better choice of our two options.

Pitch 2: A secret witch pretends to fall in love with people and then turns them into legos which she collects.

This pitch seemed interesting and unique to our group. However, it also posed a question of if our casting crew will be able to give the energy and vibe needed to portray this idea as professionally as possible. Once again, there have been past issues of actors finding the content silly due to their immaturity and lack of experience with acting, which affects the outcome of the film and may give a more juvenile tone to the film than otherwise intended. So, while this proposal exhibited artistic thought process, as amateur media students, we think it may not be the best fit at this time. 

Pitch 3: Two friends avenge the death of one's sibling and get thrown into jail due to being loyal to a pinky promise about never telling the truth about the incident.

As fun as the pitch might seem to film, it would either have to be done in a very short or very long amount of time which didn't work best for our group. It was also not something that we all were collectively intersted in which led us to discard the idea.

Ultimately, we chose pitch 1: "A mafia boss goes undercover as an ally to avenge the death of her brother." as our final choice!


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