So it's a Thriller...and Comedy? Maybe Action?

 Welcome back, Sappies,

So of course we have to talk about our incredible film. I already have started the script and have a title but it's all a work in progress. First I have to tell you guys what the film's genre even is. So overall, my group and I have gone with thriller, just to really encapsulate the suspense of how a sister seeks revenge for her brother. We decided to stick with thriller instead of action, even with the way the script looks because there isn't going to be that much action to make it the whole genre and there also isn't going to be a main focus on comedy either. The comedic purposes in this film serve for relief and the action serves for entertainment, but my group and I have decided that thriller best encapsulates the whole point of the film. So, what even is thriller? Thriller is a genre in film that focuses on very heightening emotions such as suspense and the element of surprise to keep an audience on edge, or on their toes whilst also adding some scary features. Of course, depending on sub-genres, some elements of thriller may change. For example with our film, comedy and action are sub-genres that take away the scary feel of thriller but really shine a light on the suspense and feeling of wanting to know more as to what will happen next. That is truly the overall vibe we wanted our short film to give! So, as you join my team and I on our journey, Sappies, I do hope you all enjoy.




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