Title Research: The Third Man
- What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?
The label/Production company, the names of those who presented the film, the title of the film, the filmmaker, the photographer/filmer, the distributor, editor, assistant director, camera operator, assistant art director, advisor, production manager, sound supervisor, sound recorder, assembly cutter, make-up, hairdressing, wardrobe, produced and directed by
- What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
No image in particular. The film was created in 1949, which means there were certain editing and technological limitations to what the opening scene would be like. An image of a large clock and and certification document were the only two images other than a simple background for the titles.
- How does the film establish a feeling of the genre?
A clock striking twelve is the first noise heard which gives significance to the object. The old-timey/old-fashioned banjo music begins to play. The background displaying the titles is quite different from the mellow almost pleasant music playing which signals a potential irony.
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