Production Blog: Finally Filmed!

 Welcome back, Sappies. I know it's been super long...but it's been with good reason. Like I'd said in my previous blogs, one of my team members, Valentina, was hospitalized. She was discharge in a bit over a week, but still couldn't film with us due to having to heal. Only recently, she was doing well enough to be able to film. So, we finally filmed! And with that, comes my update for you, Sappies. 

We started to film the first scene and a few others at my house. We had Valentina filming and Sabrina and I were the actresses'. Some of the scenes we were filming though, were meant to look like they were in different locations.  So we used different rooms and different props and decorations in the background to emphasize that one scene was in my room at my house and the other scene was in Sabrina's room at her house. We mostly used over-the-shoulder and wide shots. We also got to filming the opening scene of the music video which was the 'get ready with me' with Sabrina and I. In this scene we spoke about a new guy we had both met without specifying who he was. As we were talking, we were doing our makeup, hence the 'getting ready with me'. We used props such as makeup brushes, beauty blenders, makeup, diaries, stuffed animals, etc. As Valentina was filming, she was almost sort of directing us. She was moving us, as well as props around to get the proper look we all wanted. With this, she also placed the camera at different angles with stuff to set the camera up on, and tried out various different angles to see which ones looked best. It was a lot of fun, but we were also super productive. It was a good day of filming, and now we're just waiting till the next. 

See you then Sappies.




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