Hey, Sappies. In today's blog we'll be reflecting on the Charmmercial. Why? Because it's essential for progress and success. So, let's get straight into the following questions, "What technology did you learn to use?", "What did you learn about the process of putting a project together?", and "What do you think you can do to make the next project better?".
While I already knew how to edit, I did learn a lot throughout the process of editing and putting this commercial about myself together. I learned how to add transitions in CapCut since I had never used them before. I explored many transitions as there was so much to choose from. I also learned how to add audios of my own, since I chose a specific song that I liked and not one given by CapCut itself. I also accidentally made one of my clips 0.1 seconds long, and because of that I couldn't click on the clip without CapCut thinking I wanted to add a transition. So because of that, I had to learn how to zoom into the clips so that I could see my clips better and therefore, adjust the clip so that it was longer. I had never done that before and was amazed at how easy CapCut made it to edit. That was really all I learned since I did have prior knowledge of the app through other friends.
While I put this project together I learned a lot about the process of editing. To be completely honest, I was an amateur at editing, and so learning how the process of editing worked was something new to me. I was confused on where to put certain clips, texts, and transitions. I also didn't know how long I wanted my clips, transitions, or texts to be. Was it too long up to the point that my audience would get bored of looking at that picture? Or was my text too short up to the point where my audience couldn't read what I was trying to say? It was lot to take into account, but I slowly made progress and learned exactly what I needed to make my project as best as can be with the skills that i had.
What I think I can do to make my next project better is to do more research on how to properly edit. Considering that my next project is a music video, there is a lot that I will have to learn, in relation to sound, editing, choreographing, and photographing. I will have to learn how to work well with shooting videos since it wasn't something that I necessarily had to do for my commercial. I will have to learn how to edit in a much better format, considering that the editing in a music video and a commercial is not the same. It's not as choppy as a commercial. It will be something complicated, but nonetheless, fun. I, in the next few weeks, will work with my group to see what we can do to make our music video one of a kind and perfect.
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